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Blooming Visionaries: Cherri Wood

M.I.S.S. presents Blooming Visionaries: Victor SolomonToday we present you with a special Blooming Visionary, for she is the freshest of all sprouts at the age of 19. While attending the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design she is already turning heads in the world of graphic communication, illustration, and fine art. While most art students struggle to find their individual style, Cherri is already neck deep in a visual exploration of supernatural spirits, the memories that haunt us, and gentle beauty. We are always inspired by a young woman whose ambition and talent flower into success at such a young age. Look on to sample the whimsical images of Cherri Wood and to hear a few words on her plans for the future.

Cherri Wood

Why do ghosts intrigue you so?

Ghosts are very strange to me. Ever since I was seven I had this fascination with them. I was also terrified of them and they bothered me a lot when I would try to sleep. I examine them a lot in my art as a way to understand them or at lease cope with the fear I have of them.

Cherri Wood

Which historical artist do you relate to most?

Francesca Woodman.

If you could pause life and pick up your bags to travel, where would you go?

Stockholm, Sweden.

What are the people like in Milwaukee?

They have some friendly individuals, some not so nice ones, and a dash of the bizarre.

Cherri Wood

How much time does it take to finish each piece?

Some pieces take several hours or months, some take less than thirty minutes. Usually it depends on the piece and what I am thinking of. I am quick drawer but I try to slow down and simplify things to the bare essentials. Sometimes I am successful and sometimes not. In my earlier work I was able to complete my pieces very quickly and I would end up with five or even seven pieces done in a day. Nowadays I slowed down so as to not overdo drawing.

What do you think about while you paint?

Lines, cats, butter, jellybeans, films, rain, my mother’s secret recipes, replacing my quill, getting new brushes, cleaning, getting some new ink, wondering what the next drawing will be, wondering if I should erase something in the current drawing, thinking about starting over on a drawing, considering taking bass clarinet lessons….

Cherri Wood

What is the first mark you make on a blank surface?

Sometimes I make a very light gesture drawing of a figure. Sometimes I make a stain on the paper or canvas.

How do you choose few words to add large meaning to you works?

It depends on what I am thinking about. I normally match it to that. I don’t think about it too much and rather just let it happen.

Cherri Wood

Do you type or hand-print the text?

In the past I would cut it out of a book, poem, or article and paste it on the piece. Nowadays I prefer just hand-printing or transferring the text onto the drawings instead of cutting and pasting.

What did your drawings look like when you first started making art?

There were a lot of birds and swirls.

If a viewer could take away on thing from looking at your works, what would you want that to be?

To spark a memory in the viewer after looking at the drawing.

Cherri Wood

What was the hardest part about getting you work seen?

The internet was the best way for me to share my work and put it out there. Also being fortunate enough to build connections with galleries and being invited to show my work in the space. It was harder to show my work in my hometown mostly because I would get judged based off my age and I wouldn’t be taken seriously.

What was your back up plan if art didn’t work out?

If art didn’t work out then I would probably be in medical school right now.

Cherri Wood

What is your favorite art gallery?

Soma Gallery.

What do you cook at home?

I mostly make flat breads, sometimes I cook white rice with different sauces alongside meat. Simple things.

Who is the first person you call when you get off work/school?

A friend.

Cherri Wood

What’s the first thing you are going to do when you graduate?

Continue the work I am doing now. Hopefully work in a design firm. I’m not exactly sure at the moment.

How does it make you feel to create something beautiful?


Cherri Wood

To see more from Cherri Wood, click here.

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